Divide et impera twc
Divide et impera twc

As I said, you cannot have real, full mods like you could in earlier games. Secondly, DeI hasn't been able to change all the things, it is only a 'tweak' with lots of balancing and addition of lots of units and stuff, even if it is a great mod and Rome II becomes decent to play with it. It is even worse when the CA-made vanilla map is pathetic and coastlines seem to be made by a 5 year old with a crayon. You cannot modify the campaign maps, and custom maps had been a big reason for success of the RTW modding community. You still cannot modify all the sound and graphical effects, only certain aspects. This is why FoTS, Empire and Napoleon work so well on it. It is a broken engine that was not developed fully to accommodate all the features of a TW games, and it was meant for gunpowder games above all. In fact it is not the game's fault entirely, it is the utterly pathetic and deplorable Warscape engine they repeatedly keep using. Well, as a Rome II modder myself and one who actively followed it from the day it was announced to the day when the last patch was released, and having played every TW game in detail (except Attila), I do have a good idea of how bad that game was.įirstly, that game has a very restricted modding ability. Hopefully that company can redeem itself some day, I spent my teenage years on their games.

divide et impera twc divide et impera twc

It was Rome II trainwreck that made me realise how great and nice Paradox and their staff are compared to CA. This began happening when they hired new staff and seemingly removed the old one, and hired a former EA employee to run their business and development strategy. Rome II is decent, but it is nothing compared to TW series from Shogun 1 (earliest game yet superb AI) to Shogun 2 (last 'proper' TW game, great AI and polish). By the Gods, are you saying that you like games that have 75% of features taken out to please 12 year old kids, with too few features to replace them, every part of the game being broken due to pathetic engine, and utterly lazy and incompetent development with no modding support? Not to mention stupid DLCs which are overpriced and usually don't add anything to the main game, just one extra mini-campaign and copy-paste units? And that they lock out more than half of the game with DLCs?

Divide et impera twc